Saturday, August 23, 2003

I've always wondered why people take part in the's obviously for the money.............but what is it that spurs people to take part in it so religiously?

lately i've been short of cash.............of course with the big buang i had, now im paying for the repairs...........*heart pain pocket pain*
and i believe it's due to the accident that i've taken a little interest in the lottery...........and trying to make money in general...........something that i've never shown much interest if any at all in the past...................

i used to think that people who buy lottery tickets were all buying "hope"..........and now i strongly believe this is the's not an obsession with making money is the hope of attaining our dreams that leads many people to buy lottery tickets............

In singapore, our dreams are you could say mostly of material gains...............the 5 Cs come to mind...............frankly, i haven't any idea what the 5 Cs really are...................i think everyone has their own version................but the main thing is that people buy the lottery bcos they want to achieve their material goals..............thus brings me to a new kai-ism, more like a theory actually..........

"The Big Buang Theory"

The basis of this theory is built upon the fact that people are not born with the desire to make money...........but they are born with their hopes and have to happen that culminate to people feeling the need to make more money to recoup their losses so they can continue on with achieveing their dreams..............these events can be multiple money incurring events or as in my case one HUGE buang of a misfortune...........multiple events can lead to one big accummulative financial incurrence...............however, if a person who can manage to live life away from moola and basically away from the rest the world..........probably in some deserted land or something, would not have dreams of material gains.............


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