Monday, September 22, 2003

now...........if MI2 and titanic were interwoven........then that fat rose wouldn't have fallen for that scrawny jack.............she would have gone for the handsome ethan least ethan hunt would have had a better chance of surviving getting crushed by the big iceberg........i mean when they were in the car making out...........duh.........

now that's's an oft heard phrase that i have decided to induct into my blog of kai-isms:

"The world is round..........and money makes it go round........."

If i had enuff money........i would make it spin faster.........but that would basically be a waste of my money cos it would achieve nuthing for me..........on the other's the easiest way to create the world's largest joyride.........

Technically, the world is slightly oval cos of the magnetic fields..........yadda yadda yadda.............


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